Devi Puja

He Maa Durga

Om Namaschandikaaye

Jayanti Mangalaa Kaalee Bhadrakaalee kapaalinee
Durgaa kshaamaa shiwaa dhaatree Swaahaa Swadhaa namostute

Roopam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dwisho jahi

Sarva swarupe sarveshe sarva shakti samanvite
Bhawe bhyaastraahino devi Durge devi namo stu te

Naaraayani Namostute

Siddhi buddhi pradhe devi bhukti mukti pradaayani
Mantra moorthe mahaadevi Mahaalakshmee namo stu te

Sarwaa baadhaa bineer mukto dhana dhaanya sutaa nito
Manushyo mat prasaadeno bhavishyaiti na sanshayaha

Calling out, reaching for the Goddess, our Mother. Feeling her putting her hands out to lift us into Herself. Embracing us, feeding us…What have we got to fear? Why should we worry? What do we have to know? We melt into her. We flow down into her darkness, we fall asleep into her arms, only to wake up into her light, the light which illumines all the worlds, the light of the Self, the light of who we are. She and I are one, Mother and Child, made of the same stuff, never apart, never alone, never hungry, always full of the Holy milk of Being…Devi Narayani Namostu Te!

Disco Two